
Filipino’s Life Style
By:Nikkie A. Canlas

(Photo credit www.pinterest.com)

A Southeast Asian country in the Western Pacific is composed of more than 7,000 islands. This Asian Country is well known for its glamorous tourist spots.  To give a hint, this country was colonized by the Spaniards for almost 333 years and has been treated like a lower class people who suffered a lot but still managed to overcome despite those obstacles that happened to them. To introduce this country, numbers of people are almost 102,250,133 of its population in 2016 and this country is the Philippines with its capital Manila. However, after the darkness sides of this country, Philippines went undergo large of changes. Did you know that, the Philippines were the first country in Southeast Asia to gain independence after World War II, in 1946 and this country is the second largest archipelago in the world is made up of 7,107 islands located in the South China Sea, Philippine Sea, Sulu Sea, Celebes Sea, and the Luzon Strait. Lastly, the Philippine capital city of Manila was named after the white-flowered mangrove plant; it is a tree with white, star-shaped flowers but yields dark blue dye, which is why in other countries it is called the Indigo tree.  

As mentioned earlier this country’s large population of Filipino living in the Philippines, to make this communication media more interesting, did you also know that Filipino used to smile in every challenges that they have to face? That’s one of the greatest characteristics of them not giving up in a single obstacle track that can make them down. Philippines were invaded by different countries namely, Japan, Spain, and America. Basically, different cultures were adopted by the Filipinos that made their life style more different kicking the world into amusement of goals.

In historical aspect, Philippines also recognizes heroes who went against the rules of the colonizers such as Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Aguildo and many more heroes who sacrificed their lives for the mother land where they were born as pure Filipinos. To elaborate,  a book turns its pages, history cannot be erase in the mind and heart of Filipinos because it’s a  key to honor every events that happened from the past of their co-Filipinos who also offered their lives for freedom. In additional, these heroes enlighten peoples mind to make a step to make a gate to open a new invention history for them.

Who are Filipinos? How do they exist? Filipinos are fun of doing exciting activities, eating traditional foods, being religious, negative and positive doings inside the continent of the Philippines. Have you ever try using your hand while eating some dry dishes? Well, Filipinos used their hands when the menus are deep fried or grilled such as tuyo, hinahaw na bangus, pritong tilapia and many more. As they eat these foods, they also have sauce where they deep these fried and grilled dishes like toyo na may suka, bagoong, alamang and toyong na may kalamansi. Isn’t yummy to try it? Aside from these foods, there are street foods. Street foods prepared or cooked food sold by vendors in a street or other public location. Barbecue, Bananaque, kamoteque, fish ball, kickyam, kwek kwek, isaw ng baboy/manok and many more to taste and eat. Wanna try these street foods? I swear that you will like this once you visit the Philippines.

What dishes does tourist like about Filipino foods? Filipino foods are commonly made of natural ingredients, such as sinigang na baboy with its ingredients of pork, sitaw, okra and sampalok. This dish is one of the best dishes that Filipinos prepare for events or for simple lunch or dinner. Adobo is one of the most famous menus of Filipinos for tourist because of its delicious mixture of soy sauce and vinegar. But sometimes, adodo used to be sweet when cooked. Filipinos used to cook this, one of the country’s special tee to present for any occasions because Filipinos really like adobo for meals. Vegetables? Pinakbet is one of an Ilocano dishes basically Pangasinan. Pinakbet is consist of ampalaya, egg plant, string beans, squash, ginger, okra and bagoong that makes the dish perfect enough with its yummy and delicious smell that can make everyone hungry and wanted to eat it once it is ready for servings. To add, balut is one of the best selling eggs in the Philippines from the hen. Balut is an egg that contains chick and its soup that taste delectable.

What comes to your mind when holidays are to be celebrated? Filipinos used to celebrate numbers of events just like, Mahal na araw or Lent Season. This said event starts every February wherein Ash Wednesday is being done that symbolizes that we will return into ashes. Lent Season also includes the commemoration of sufferings and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Filipinos are well described to be religious because as they start every event, prayer will always come first before starting an event to be celebrated. In connection, Sinakulo is a play that Filipinos used to organize during the Lent Season that shows the passion of Christ. In additional, the month of December is well known as the Christmas Season which is Jesus Christ’s birth month, everyone are busy for this month as they prepare for a big celebration for the coming of Christ. Gift are done to be wrap and to be distributed for the family, relatives and friends. In the Philippines, ninong and ninang also give ampao with money inside it to their grandchildren or inaanak. Speaking about Christmas, children also play different instruments as they sing Christmas songs door to door as they earn money. All Saint and All Souls day is also being recognized by the Filipinos, did you know that? Filipinos used to stay overnight in the cemetery with the tomb of their love ones? Foods are also being offered to the dead because they believe that these dead people also eat the foods of the living.

Bawal Umihe dito, Bawal tumawid dito may namatay na dito at bawal magbaba at magsakay dito. Are these words familiar to you? Can you see these words being posted around the Cities of Philippines? Well if you see these statements, welcome to Philippines. We say that rules are rules to be followed but make it different, everything is an art inside this country. Warnings are to be stated but to be ignored. How creative right? Another, did you know that Filipinos do have their power mentally? Have you tried using your hands to stop those vehicles passing by as you were crossing the street? How crazy right? Have you to try to excuse yourself by bowing as you make the gestures of staring at those people around you while your both hands are together? How funny right?  

As I pure blooded Filipino, I can formally state that we are united in one mind and heart as go with the flow of obstacles and as we applied our cultures/traditions to succeed as we reach our goals for a new generation of beginning. 

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