

A Filipino is not like any other person on the earth. I think Filipino is the most unique nationality. Filipinos have their own culture and tradition that is amazing for we Filipinos and for the other nationalities. You know you’re a Filipino when someone offers you a pancit or a spaghetti and you will ask “Sino may birthday?” We respond to someone going on a trip or vacation with “Pasalubong ha.” How can we be so unique that I think we’re not from planet earth.

Filipinos are aliens because our culture and traditions are out of this world. Not only those but our characteristics and what we are used to do are so unique to the other countries. Maybe the meteor that killed the dinosaurs is our spaceship and it formed the Philippines. Imagine we are aliens with big eyes, thin body and a big head in a typical teenage birthday party. Filipino’s characteristics, most of it, can be seen in a Filipino birthday party. A birthday party is one of the events Filipinos will likely go to. Firstly, the time? It depends but whatever time you’re supposed to be there will always be not followed. Filipino’s are always late whatever that occasion or event is. Secondly, you can see the laziness of a Filipino when you saw someone at a birthday party wearing “pambahay” like only a jersey short and an undershirt. Thirdly, there will always be that guest that’s very selfish when it comes to food. That’s one thing about a Filipino they can share everything to you but their food. Talking about food we go crazy when it’s about food and there will be a guest that came to a birthday party because of the food. Some of them you don’t even know, maybe your friends friend? The birthday boy/girl won’t even care because one thing for sure we Filipinos are known for our hospitality. Lastly, you can see how talented and supportive a Filipino is when someone started to sing with a karaoke.

Filipinos are absolutely witches too, we are alien-witches. Can you imagine who thought of “halo-halo”? With different kinds of ingredients. Thinking like “Let’s put that, and this, and this and that also.” Then someone is like “Ew! Why are you putting all of that in a cup?” Then responded “Why not?” It didn’t stop there Filipino’s secret ingredient for every meal or food is vinegar. We even deep fried tuyo to a chocolate rice pudding and every kind of bread or biscuits to a coffee. Not only that but in my family of alien-witches, they went too far by dipping a slice of bread to a coke and actually enjoys it. Talking about family, a Filipino family is complicated. At a very young age you can be an uncle/aunt and your cousins? Good luck counting them. But our family they are very influential that they taught us to respect fellow alien Filipinos and suddenly making them our sisters or brothers because we always call them by “kuya” or “ate”. We are so out of this world that when we step on an unusual spot we say “tabi-tabi po”, we point at a dark spot or whatever and biting our pointing finger and knocking on wood three times to prevent something from happening. We’re so scared that something might happen to us to someone even though we know it doesn’t work that way. It’s so funny that we still believe in those. I think it’s just amazing to be a Filipino.

In conclusion, Filipinos are very different to other nationalities because of their culture, beliefs and their way of living. Filipinos are really amazing because everything we do are just unique and very entertaining even though we are doing what we are used to. Filipinos are very creative and I'm proud to be one. You know you’re a Filipino when you can relate to this essay.

                                                                                                   by: Diego Antonio G. Directo

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