
by:Clanzee Jirey Taylan
      ABM 1F

Wrath that happened in our mind
and a people have retributive behavior
...we can't say that
there are  still a goodness.

They say that "Children is our hope"
but what happen ? ;They use drugs ,they drink
,they smoke
and also they not obeying their parents.

Killing and stealing ?
Maybe judging, bullying and jaywalking
;an inborn attitude of a human person,...
where is the goodness , ?*sigh*

There is an island ,
that full of brutality and wrath,
conquered by the person
who want to kill and judge .

I dont know what is happening today,
maybe is like someday ;
full of killings and pains,
sorrow and sadness .

Maybe tomorrow,
there's a people that will come down
 to lead peacefulness and goodnesss to us
and that is God.


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