
What makes a Filipino... Filipino

Human nature requires us a need to have a sense of belongingness. We want to be accepted whether it is a family, friends, a religion or something else. People tend to have an “inherent” desire to belong.

Then, what is a Filipino? It means that the person has a country called the Philippines, has its own language, culture that distinguishes him/her from the rest. It is his pride that he carries its flag that defines him as a human being where he belongs.

The younger generations of Filipinos nowadays have a lot of things to be proud of. You can see that they excel in different fields against other nationalities. Other countries admire Filipinos for being smart and highly skilled. We are known for being hospitable, cheerful and industrious. Not to mention that we give high regards to our religion of being a Catholic Christians. We have practices that make us unique like saying “po” and “opo” as a sign of respect, loving and taking care of our elders and having rice as a staple food in every meal. As there are good values Filipinos possess; they also have some faults wherein they tend to look up to other nationalities, choose imported products over the local brands and prefer to use foreign language; English in particular as if making them feel highly of themselves. Nationalism is far away demonstrated or never tried at all.

It is a dream of every Filipino that the Philippines will regain its power and be removed in its place as a 3rd world country.  But it should come first within us. We should do our part and contribute to its progress. In this generation we should learn how to love the country and our fellowmen. We should have social awareness on what’s happening around us and be sensitive to those people who are in need. Protect the country with people who want to take advantage on it. We should always put in mind that nobody but only the “Filipinos” will truly love the Philippines.

By: Jhoven Christian C. Pataueg


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