
The Creatures of the 7107 islands

The Creatures of the 7107 Islands

 Beautiful sceneries, majestic mountain ranges, and spectacular beaches are what makes the 7,107 islands. If you think this would be a great destination to go to, then think again, behind the grand places of the islands, are creatures worthy of fascination and curiosity, they differ from each other, some evil, some good, and some undefined. Let me try to describe some of these inhabitants.

 First are the Shallows these are the most common out of all the creatures. They are the least dangerous of them all. They form themselves in packs, and care for nothing but their packs, their deeds is what makes these creatures suffer, they are willing to do anything for their pack, without thinking about the other creatures affected, even themselves. They are stupid, they don't think for themselves, they travel great distances, some farther than others, just to keep their pack alive. Then there are the Overseers, they rule over the Shallows, they make them do their bidding, in exchange for provision. The Overseers have been gifted with authority, yet there have been cases that Shallows have become Overseers, i don't know how though. The Overseers are undefined creatures, some are good, some are bad, the bad ones abuse their authority, they torture Shallows for fun, some even banish them but there are worse creatures. The Shameless, they do all kinds of bad things, they would sexually assault any creature, they kill, they intake poison for a few minutes of relief, because their minds are always full of insanity, but no evil can compare to the vileness of the Deceivers. They are corrupt, they dwell upon the ranks of the elite, they lie, they flatter the other creatures with words of hope, but they only seek to destroy, they are fake, they are selfish, and if some creatures tried to reveal them, they would do whatever it takes to stop them, even murder. With unlimited resources they prolong their god-forsaken lives just to stay in power, although I still await the day, when they will rot in hell for all the horrible deeds thay have done.

 These are only a few of the plenty of creatures in the 7,107 islands. Lately, a new Overseer has rosen, he seeks to purge the islands of evil, but through evil as well. Now the streets are filled with cries, the Deceivers are more careful than ever,  The Shameless being killed one after the other, is there any hope for the Islands? ...

There is hope, but in the Islands, it is only achieved through sacrifice.
                                                                    - A Shallow

By: Kiel Rhapael Soriano

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